Thursday, April 26, 2018

Pictures from my trips to Japan


Unfortunately many of my pictures were destroyed or lost on a Chinese cell phone so these are mostly pictures of pictures.... But here are some of my first two trips.

The Golden Pavilion
She totally didn't know what to do with me.
One of my first trips I went to Mt. Fuji. My love had business so I hooked into a tour group because it was actually the cheapest way to go (which was odd).

Mt. Fuji (dormant volcano)
 I visited Nagano in the middle of winter. It was FREEZING! We had to hike into our ryokan. My love and I hung out with the monkeys for several hours (until I couldn't feel my feet). Part of The Temple of Heaven takes place at Jigkudani.
Jigokudani (Nagano)
The monkeys really will come right into your room if the window is open too far much to the anger of the park rangers.

An example of what happens to my hair without hot rollers!

Vampire By Munch (I saw it in a Tokyo Museum by now it's traveling)

I loved Japan even before I discovered Yaoi. I'm hoping to get in 2019 for a Yuri On Ice tour, the penis festival, and more Kyoto.

Thank you for letting me share some of my travels with you.

Many hugs, Z.

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