Thursday, September 19, 2019

Interview I did on Editing

 As I'm in the process of re-editing my Club Zombie series for the third time I can tell you I've learned the importance of a professional editor, copy editor, and proofer. 
(Also fascinating how much I've changed as a writing since these were first released by Stiff Rain 10 years ago)

The Interview on Editing
1)    Tell us a bit about you and your writing (e.g. what do you write, how did you get into it, are you with a small press or do you self-pub?)
I write rainbow romances involving BDSM, and contemporary about characters who are on the fringes and edges. I explore different orientations like demi-sexual, pansexual, BDSM-oriented, etc. as well as writing about people scattered along the gender spectrum. My goal is to validate everyone’s experience.

I partner with Dreamspinner Press on most of my work but I’ve done some self-publishing for the books that need more of a niche audience. Like I’ve just re-edited and re-covered my Club Zombie series polishing the book for their first release on Kindle Unlimited later this summer.

2)    What do you enjoy most about the editing process?
Polishing my words and stories so everyone can enjoy my Z. speak. Each round from rough draft to beta readers/critique partners to editors to proofing the manuscript becomes more of what is in my head. The process is thrilling. I’m so appreciative of all the wonderful people who spend time on my words to make sure I’m getting all my words on the page.

3)    What do you find hardest about the editing process?
Sometimes when someone finds something I’ve missed a thousand times or something I didn’t mean a certain way gets picked up I’m happy but I feel incredibly stupid for having missed that.

4)    What are your general thoughts on editing as part of the overall publishing process?
Authors should understand what their priorities are. Is it to write a best seller or to write your heart song. I define heart song as the story you long to tell but you don’t know if you’ll find the audience for it.
Yes, I know everyone wants to do both… awesome but only a handful of authors are able to do both. Everyone else needs to understand the consequences of their decision.
If you’re writing in a popular genre and sub-genre which is consistent to your brand chances are you will do as well as you do with your other such books in your backlist.
However, if you’re writing your heart song that may only be read by your core fans, then you need to be okay with that. Granted it might be a huge hit if so great but the reward to writing exactly what you want is just that: writing exactly what you wanted while not caring about the market or your intended audience.

5)    What are your top editing-related tips for authors?
A) Listen to your trusted beta/critique partner/editors. Take a day or a week to sit with the feedback given to you. See what makes sense. Ask them clarifying questions. (Keep in mind these are the people who don’t want you kicked in the teeth in reviews. Remember you trust them, that’s why you have asked them for feedback.)
B) Paint with paragraphs. Most readers don’t like long paragraphs with a ton of stuff happening. It’s difficult to keep it all straight, and skimming can result. (Keep in mind if you write romance, you want the readers come to with you on a journey of love and excitement so they need all the important parts.)
I love white space. It moves the reader and allows them a moment so the action or dialogue can have impact before moving to the next thing.
C) Sex scenes are about connection and love (usually if it’s a romance). This isn’t about you and what you do or don’t do in the bedroom. Allow the characters to be themselves.
D) Read dialogue out loud. (Keep in mind where they are from, where they live, their educational background all impacts their word choice and how they speak.)
E) Know your brand and your audience. No matter how awesome a hamburger joint is it’s not going to do well in a vegan town… It’s not about the burgers it’s the wrong audience.
Don’t try to force a romance reader to choke down non-happily ever after (unless you’re branding yourself as such). Fulfil your contract with the reader to the best of your ability. Brand yourself accurately.

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