Thursday, July 30, 2020

Non Con & Rape in BL Dramas/Fiction/Yaoi

So let me be clear: Rape Culture is everywhere... in every country... in every part of society.
We've been ingesting it since the beginning of time.
In recent decades, we have begun to acknowledge the issue and have started to speak out on the topic.
I'm not looking to debate rape is bad. Rape is not based in love but violence and lack of respect for the other person.
However, at times we see it in TV, movies, in romances, yaois, and in BL drama (M/M romance dramas) shown in a twisted way that makes it seem okay.
The normalization of rape seeps into us...
I'm posting this vloggers video because I think she addresses the subject and wants to start a conversation. She focuses on BL out of Thailand but is not (and neither am I) saying that that's the only place the problem is... cause it's not.
But since I write in a yaoified fashion I need to own up to how some things are portrayed.

What's the answer?
Acknowledging the issue is a good start. If you're able give feedback to the writers, and directors when they get it right and when they get it wrong that would be awesome in moving into a better direction. (I've had more than one beta/alpha reader and editors pull me back and say you know that this sounds like you're saying this is okay... whether my unconscious ingestion, lack of writing talent or confusion I made sure it was fixed.)
Educating yourself and others and parents (both current & future) teaching and correcting your child's view on this subject would go a long way in making the world safer.
This is on all of us to make a better world.
Many hugs, Z.

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